Research type


Price, UAH Researcher Contact telephone number
FR Quantities of foreign trade, production and consumption in Ukraine of acetic acid and ethyl acetate in 2019-2021 Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR Volumes of Ukraine's foreign trade of sulfuric acid in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR Volumes of Ukraine's foreign trade of soda ash in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Pohorila N.V. +380 472 376489
FR Export-import statistics of LAB and LABSA in Ukraine in 2021 Contractual Dieieva O.O. +380 472 379443
FR Quantities of foreign trade and domestic consumption of sheet (float) glass in Ukraine in the second half of 2021 Contractual Kosenko S.O. +380 472 370466
FR Volumes of Ukraine's foreign trade of Portland cement in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Kaniuka I.V. +380 472 374165
FR Volumes of Ukraine's foreign trade of UFC and UFR in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Dieieva O.O. +380 472 379443
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of solvents and thinners for complex organic, ready-to-use mixtures for removal of paints or varnishes in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Dieieva O.O. +380 472 379443
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of candle wax, petroleum paraffin and match wax in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Kaniuka I.V. +380 472 374165
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of BOPP films in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Kaniuka I.V. +380 472 374165
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of PET in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Dieieva O.O. +380 472 379443
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of HDPE in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Dieieva O.O. +380 472 379443
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of Urea-Ammonium nitrate Solution in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of urea in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR Quantities of foreign trade and consumption in Ukraine of NPK and NP fertilizers in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR Quantities of foreign trade, production and consumption in Ukraine methanol in the first quarter of 2022. Volumes and directions of supplies at war conditions Contractual Sokolenko L.M. +380 472 376489
FR List of companies- manufacturers of nitrogen fertilizers in Romania and Hungary Contractual Kaniuka I.V. +380 472 374165
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