The structure of SE "Cherkasy NDITEKHIM"corresponds to it's scientific work profile and the types of activity that are established in the statute of the enterprise.

The main structural units of the institute are the following:

  • Department of Conjunctural-Analytical and Technological Research on the Problems of the Chemical and Glass Industry - Central Scientific and Technical Library (CSTL) of the chemical complex of Ukraine;
  • department of Economic and Marketing Research
  • Sector of research of the European legislation REACH, international and national regulations in the sphere of technical regulation of circulation chemical products
  • sector of preparation and publication of the magazine "Chemical Industry of Ukraine"
  • sector of monitoring and forecast research of the chemical industry of Ukraine:
  • printing department;
  • administrative and management staff (the structure of the AMS includes the accounting service);
  • maintenance department

According to the order of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine № 725 of 29.12.2007, SE "Cherkasy NDITEKHIM" is entrusted with the functions of informational and advisory services of the chemical complex of Ukraine on European legislation REACH (in this sphere the institute is the only advisory center in Ukraine).

State Enterprise "Cherkasy NDITEKHIM" is the attestated scientific institution on issues scientific direction "Conducting technical and economic researches on certain issues of chemical industry development, European legislation REACH" (Certificate of attestation of scientific institution №015 from 03.12. 2012, the validity of the certificate was extended until June 1, 2019).

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